Polycor is Helping YOU Become More Sustainable

With the COVID-19 crisis we’re all going through at the moment, one thing is on everyone’s mind: Sustainability. More than ever, we realize the fragility of our economic model and how things we took for granted can change overnight. Now is the time to think about our overall impact on the Earth.


At Polycor, sustainability is in our DNA. Our products are 100% natural, all organic, and created by Mother Nature herself! We like to think that we’re Naturally Sustainable™.


While the environment is a major component of sustainability, understanding the origin of the stone you buy is just as important. Locally quarried natural stone has its advantages and the impact you have on your community is of utmost importance. Not only are you buying a durable product, you’re also boosting local economy, encouraging employment in your community and decreasing your carbon footprint. Sometimes you may wonder how you can make a difference to reduce your impact on the environment … buying locally is one way to go.


We talk the talk, but we also love to walk the walk! Keep reading to learn more about our latest announcement to become the leaders of our industry in terms of sustainability.



We’re thrilled to announce the next step in terms of sustainable development at Polycor. We’ve created an internal network of 15 Sustainability Champions across the group. Our champions, located in three countries on two continents, will be responsible for:

  • Tracking and reducing energy consumption
  • Lowering the carbon impact of transportation and freight
  • Ensuring the consumption and reuse of clean water
  • Minimizing waste and excess process materials



You will have access to a range of low-embodied carbon products. We’re happy to help you reach your carbon-neutral objectives when building new constructions or renovating homes inside and out. Natural stone is a low-emitting material that can contribute to LEED® credits. We are committed to helping you gain more LEED® credits by continuing the ANSI/NSC 373 certifications of our sites.


Later this year, we’ll be introducing our brand-new Health Product Declarations (HPDs), thanks to the work of our Champions. We understand the need for product transparency, and embrace the growing demand of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) which we’ll be thrilled to provide you with in 2021.


We believe we have the right team in place to become the best-in-class, and please allow us to thank our champions Claire Lessard, David Duford, Gabriel Ouellet, Hugues Désilets, Jasmin Randlett, Jean-Simon Carle, Jessy Groleau, Jonathan Cantin, Kevin Spaulding, Malorie Jolin, Marion Lenglet, Mathieu Bergeron, Peter Farley, Ralph Morgan, Robert Holshouser and Sophie McCarthy!